

'I can't find anything that works!' is a phrase we hear from women constantly.

OR the other thing we hear is...

Help! What used to work doesn't work anymore.

And why doesn't it work anymore???? Because of a simple little word... CHANGE.

Just as we had figured it out - BAM - we change again, and we're like - what do I do with this????!

As we become ageless and wiser, our bodies change with weight loss or gain, illness, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. As we become ageless and wiser, our hair colour and skin tone can change and the colours we used to wear don't quite cut it anymore.

As we move through life our lifestyles and preferences change and the styles of clothes that we used to LOVE wearing don't feel right anymore.

Do you know what we do? We blame ourselves... we're hard on ourselves for what's a completely normal thing to happen. And we get frustrated because we don't know how to move forward.

And you know what? It's not your fault. No one has taught you how to do this stuff. No one has taught you how to navigate these changes and you've just been trying to figure it out by yourself.

The thing is, we're always going to change.... so what can we do to ensure that at every age and stage we look and feel great in what we wear? That at every age and stage we know with confidence what's going to work for us. At every age and stage we can find things that fit our bodies...

We're going to share with you the 3 secrets to creating a wardrobe full of outfits you love (and fit) that you can use over and over again no matter if your body or lifestyle changes are big or small and we're going to share those 3 secrets at our FREE online Masterclass: The Wardrobe Revamp.

Here’s how this Masterclass will help you:

• Find clothes that fit

• Avoid wasting $$$ on clothes you never wear.

• Avoid the 'alien effect' and choose pieces that you look & feel great in.

• Create a ‘mix & match’ wardrobe to create more with less.

Click HERE to save your virtual seat at the Masterclass.

Can’t wait to share the 3 secrets with you.


Megan’s #styletransformation


Client Interview with Anne C